CrossFit JAX is excited to announce our new featured members.  That’s right, I said members, plural.  These two may have pending nuptials, but no ball and chain can hold them down!  Daryle Barnard and Lindsey Mansfield are a shining example of what dedication, hard work, and integrity look like. With the purchase of their new home and an approaching wedding, Daryle and Lindsey are on top of the world - and on top of their game.  I had the pleasure of picking their brains and realized that these two are some of CFJAX’s best kept secrets.  Quiet and seemingly in the background, they seem to pose no threat.   But watch out!  They have focus, maturity and guts that I bet you don’t know about! Both Daryle and Lindsey are Jacksonville natives.  Daryle is a financial advisor while Lindsey is a student pursuing a career as an Occupational Therapist Assistant.  Daryle joined CrossFit in January 2011 at the suggestion of a friend who got real results.  He later introduced Lindsey to CFJAX (as we tend to do with the ones we love!).  Let’s see what they had to say in our interview.

CFJAX:  So Daryle & Lindsey, tell me a little about your athletic backgrounds…
DB:  I really never did any organized sports growing up but in my 20’s my buds kind of turned me on to the gym, and I also started running races; mostly ½ marathons.
LM:  I did all kinds of dancing for about 13 years; tap, jazz, ballet.  I was also a cheerleader and on the swim team for my school.  As an adult I dabbled in DanceTrance and random cardio workouts.
CFJAX:  Lindsey, I recall seeing you at several Bring-A-Friend days before you ever signed up, why the delay?
LM: (Laughing) Well, it certainly wasn’t because of the staff or members.  As a matter of fact, that was the thing that drew me in the most.  Everyone was SO nice and welcoming and encouraging.
CFJAX:  Then what gives? Cough it up!?!
LM:  I was SO nervous.  I just needed to get my head right.
CFJAX:  Well I can definitely sympathize with you there as I am quite sure other members can.  But then you do the baseline workout at your intro and there was a change.  Tell me about it.
LM:  Oh my gosh, I was so PUMPED! All I could think afterwards was “Lets do this!”.
CFJAX:  That’s awesome and you can tell you still show up every day with a “let’s do this” attitude! Daryle, I hear you love double unders.  What is it about them that gets you going?
DB:  First off, you are either way mistaken or are teasing me because I loathe double unders.  I will never forget my first WOD because those jokers were in the workout and I was so angry that I could not do them, that I bought my own rope and worked on them every day until I could!
CFJAX:  Wow! That’s what I call determination to succeed! Well, now that we know what you don’t like in a WOD, care to tell us what your favorite WOD is?
DB:  I’m kind of an odd ball, I prefer long workouts, 20 to 30 minutes I’d say.
CFJAX:  An odd ball or an endurance athlete! Lindsey, what about you?
LM:  I really love TABATA workouts or any kind of interval sprints!
CFJAX:  Opposites really do attract! Love it! Something that is absolutely the same that I have noticed in both of you since you started CF, is how much your bodies have leaned out.  Tell me how you have accomplished this and also about any other changes you have noticed.
LM:  My energy level has skyrocketed and my clothes are definitely too big now! Participation in the challenges have been key for us.  Really helped us to dial in our nutrition, which helps in our workouts too.  CF has given Daryle and I something to enjoy together and something to talk about and encourage each other with everyday.
DB:  I totally agree.  We now have some goals we can work towards together and play sports and be competitive as adults, but not compete against each other.  My running has also greatly improved.  POSE running has changed my life and the POSErs program helped me to dial in my running and obtain new PR’s all the while feeling easier! I don’t hit “the wall” anymore.
CFJAX:  That is great to hear.  Both of you have been so successful with the challenges, PR’s, skill enhancement and life in general. What advice do you have for new members here at CFJAX?
LM:  Participate.  Have fun and listen to everything your coaches tell you. Most of all, be patient.
DB:  I totally agree with the patience aspect.  Check your ego at the door and do what is best for you.  Be your own athlete!


CrossFit JAX is excited to announce Anthony Giovannetti as our newest Featured Athlete!   From day one Anthony has continued to impress us with his dedication and enthusiasm.  Since joining CFJAX he has found a new love for fitness.  He finds himself working harder and faster than the day before every time he walks through the doors.  He’s not only been disciplined at the box, but also at home by being dialed in on his nutrition.  Recently, Anthony came in first place in our Zone Challenge, losing 16lbs in just 30 days!  His efforts has inspired his wife, Laura, to join the Hot Box after seeing his amazing results.  I sat down with Anthony to talk about his journey and how it’s affected his life.  If this doesn’t inspire you, I’m not sure what will!       

How did you hear about CrossFit and what interested you about the program?
  • I have friends in different cities that are members of CrossFit gyms.  They were always talking about how they hated working late because they couldn’t go to the gym.  I couldn’t grasp it because I thought, “who wants to go to the gym?”  When I moved to Jacksonville, Laura and I were looking for a place to workout.  We had always been a part of the big globo gyms with the plush towels in the bathrooms, so that is what we were hoping to find.  We couldn’t find what we were looking for so I buckled down and Google’d CrossFit.  That is how I found CFJAX.
I heard it took you a while before you joined.  When did you actually become a member and what were the driving factors?
  • Well, I scheduled an intro, and then canceled, then scheduled again, and canceled again. I must have done that at least 4 times.  When I finally came in and did my baseline workout, I threw up…a few times.  Never in my life had I pushed myself to the limit of throwing up in a workout.  I was a little intimidated at first, but also curious as to what kind of people work themselves out to they point of throwing up!  It took me another couple of weeks but I realized I needed a change so I finally joined in April of this year.
Amazing!  So the baseline wasn’t the best experience for you, I can’t imagine what your first WOD was.  Do tell….
  •           My first WOD was Tillman.  It looked a lot worse than it ended up being.  The class was somewhat big and I was in the very back with DJ.  He helped me through the whole thing.  This is when I first realized that this wasn’t just a group of meat heads working out, but a community of people who are there to help and encourage each other.  It was really cool.
So then what is your favorite WOD?  Lift?
  • -       I don’t really have a favorite, but I like the heavy days coupled with a short metcon. Also, the day that we worked on the split jerk was one of my favorite days.
You started as a Silver member coming three days a week, but you have since upgraded to a Gold membership.  What was that progression, and when did you decide to be a Gold member?
  • -       I signed up for Silver initially because I knew that if I was paying for three times a week that I would come three times a week.  I had to get myself motivated.  I did that for the first 4 months.  Then one day I realized that some of the people I was chasing on the white board had their names up there more than mine.  They were coming in more frequently that I was and I couldn’t let that happen so I decided to upgrade to Gold.
By the way, congratulations on winning the Zone challenge!  Was this the first time you decided to dial in on your nutrition, or were already working on it?
  • -       When I first signed up for CrossFit, I thought that the Paleo and Zone were nutty.  No way was I going to eat that way.  After about one month of feeling like I was going to puke after every workout, I knew it was time to change.  At first I decided to cut back on grains only.  Just by doing that I noticed some immediate results and I started to feel better.  Then when I saw that we were having a Zone challenge I knew I wanted to try it. During those 30 days I zoned, and 98% percent of the time it was paleo food.  I never imagined that by changing my diet it would change the way I feel, but it did, and now I feel better than I have ever felt. 
This has been life changing for you!  Overall, how has it affected your life outside of CrossFit?
  • -       I feel better, look better, and I am generally happier than I have ever been.  My wife, Laura, has now joined and it’s something we can do together.  Not only that, but I love the community and am starting to make some friends outside of the gym.  It has made my life better all around.
We love hearing that.  Okay, just a few more questions.  I would love to know what is going through your mind the moment before a WOD, when you hear 3,2,1….
  • -       I know I have to do it, and I do it.  I try not to get wrapped up in the anxiety. Sometimes I don’t want to come in after looking at the workout, but once I get to the gym I know it’s going to be fine.
Last question:  you mentioned some people on the white board you were chasing?  Care to mention any names?
  • -       No, not yet.  Once I get into RX club then I will really start chasing some people…like maybe Caleb! 


When did you first become part of CrossFit JAX?
I started around August or September of 2010. I heard about it through a buddy of mine from the SAR school, so I came and checked it out. I wanted to get into shape to do EOD for the Navy, and I immediately knew it was a good fit. Ironically enough that buddy of mine doesn’t even do it.

What was your first WOD?
I can’t remember what it was called, but it was kettlebell swings, wall ball shots and pull-ups. I started the WOD using prescribed weight, but that only lasted approximately 10 kettlebell swings. It took me about five minutes longer than everyone else, and it was only a four minute workout.

What’s your favorite WOD?
The first hero WOD that I ever completed as prescribed is a favorite. I can’t remember the name, but it was heavy power cleans, kettlebell swings and box jumps. I was pumped to have “Rx” next to my name.

What is your least favorite WOD?
Anything with overhead squats!!

What is your favorite lift?

How do you choose which days to come to the box?
I come every day that I don’t have duty. I’m in here every chance I get.

How about your nutrition?
Well, I did the “45 Days in the Cave” Paleo challenge in February, and I’m still on Paleo now. I have trouble gaining weight though, so I modify it a little bit. I don’t want to lose any more weight, so I eat more of some things. I have cheat days, but I can really feel it when I do, so it’s not too often. I just feel better when I’m on Paleo.

How has CFJAX changed your life?
I think it’s just made me more positive. Everyone here has such a positive attitude. I work on the ship and it can be a little depressing; everyone hates their job! So it’s nice to come here and be around people who are encouraging and supportive. It makes me do the best I can in the WODs, too.

Who do you stalk on the whiteboard?
Well, everyone really. But I usually look at Doug’s or Nate’s scores specifically. I look at Caleb’s too, but I’ve never come close to him. I like to see who has the highest or best score of the day.


On January 15 fifty athletes started a 45-day long journey with dreams of increased mental clarity, better sleep, fat loss, and better WODs. Would a month and a half of eating like our cave dwelling ancestors really be long enough to make a marked difference in athletic performance and body composition? For those at CFJAX that stayed strict in the cave, the answer is a resounding YES! 

After 45 days without grains, dairy, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and any processed food, EVERYONE in the challenge saw a decrease in body fat percentage. Five athletes saw a decrease of at least 5%, with the winner losing 8%! As a testament to Paleo’s effect on EVERYONE, even the leanest athletes in the gym saw dramatic changes as well. Our second place overall finisher went from 11% body fat to 9%. 

Massive changes in physique weren’t the only benefits bestowed upon the cave people after their 45 day challenge. Three WODs were tested before the start of the challenge and then retested upon completion. If you don’t think nutrition has an effect on something as simple as a mile run time, THINK AGAIN! All athletes improved their mile time, including an Ironman Triathlete. Twelve athletes saw a decrease of at least 5% with the top finisher knocking 26% off her time. 

Sure, proper diet and nutrition can easily have a drastic effect on body fat and your mile time, but there’s no way it could increase strength, right? WRONG! Ten of our athletes PRed their one rep max shoulder press after the challenge! TEN! The top scorer in press improvement moved from 65lbs to 80lbs—a 23% increase! Maybe all those protein shakes and supplements they sell at the globo-gym aren’t really that necessary after all. 

All said and done, maybe losing weight and gaining strength weren’t the most important things taken from the challenge. We heard a lot of talk throughout the gym about better sleep, clearer heads, and more energy during the 45 days. Did anyone learn anything about discipline and dedication? Did you cough up a few too many greenbacks into the Paleo Bucket? Either way, just remember the challenge didn’t end on March 1st; it’s still going on every day.


When did you first become part of CFJAX?
This is my second time around.  I joined about two years ago and did it for about three months and then I got on with the Fire Department.  I wasn’t able to commit 100% because of the rigors of the first year of training, so I waited around with CFJAX in the back of my mind until I was able to come back.  I came back to CFJAX in October of 2010.

Who introduced you to CrossFit?
I heard about it through the grapevine.  I knew a lot of firefighters, being a paramedic, and a lot of them were doing it.  After doing a lot of research online, a friend gave me a business card for CFJAX that had been sitting in his wallet for a couple of years and I made the call.

What was your first WOD?
Cindy.  I was sore for four or five days and ripping calluses off my hands even longer.  Lying on the floor wondering if I was really going keep doing this is a pretty great introduction to CrossFit. 

What’s your favorite WOD?
The Filthy Fifty.  You cover a lot of different movements and you really do have to have a strategy going into a WOD like that.  It brings in the mental side of CrossFit as well as the physical, and I really like that.

Least favorite WOD?
Fran.  Probably because it’s a sprint.  Five minutes can do horrible things to you.  If you’re not ready to puke after a workout like Fran, you didn’t go hard enough.

Favorite Lift?
Deadlift.  I really want to be able to Deadlift 2.5 times my bodyweight.  Right now I’m at 400, and with a goal bodyweight of 200, I want to be able to deadlift 500 this year.

How do you choose which days you come to the box?  Do you cherry pick workouts?
Being a firefighter, I’m not really able to “pick” which days I come, so no cherry-picking here.

How about your nutrition?
When I started at CFJAX I was just like every other person uneducated about proper nutrition.  I lived according to the food pyramid, eating a diet heavy in grains and low fat dairy.  I sat down with Chris and Meghan when I came back to CFJAX and they introduced me to Paleo.  Paleo has helped me change my body composition tremendously.  I’ve lost 25lbs in the two months I’ve been doing it.  It’s great having an awesome support system of friends at CFJAX that all have the same goals.

How has CFJAX changed your life?
It’s all about the people.  You meet and become friends with people from all different backgrounds and situations that you don’t know anything about, but they are all share the same goals for fitness.  It has also better prepared me for the demands of my job as a firefighter.  My perspective on my job has changed.  I don’t fear it anymore but I look at it as a challenge.

Is it helpful/awesome to have a significant other that does CrossFit as well? What's dinner table convo like? 
Yes, it is pretty awesome. When you take on CrossFit and commit to it you have to make some changes if you are going to do it 100%. Then one day you realize your life is structured around the WOD and nutrition and when you see your everyday friends they have no idea what you are talking about when you talk CrossFit. So naturally I started to try to surround myself with people that understood my life and got what I’m trying to accomplish. 
When Amanda and I started dating we started, and still do try, to keep each other on track nutrition-wise and on the balance of WODs for me and her marathon training schedule. It is very awesome to have someone to talk to about how you feel about workouts, nutrition, and personal goals. Every day that I’m not at the fire station we eat together. Our conversations are mostly about everyday stuff I guess but we  do talk CrossFit a lot (mostly about Chrissy's nasty cut on her forehead from Nuclear Winter) but also about work and life.

Who do you stalk on the whiteboard?
Matt Rodgers.  He’s freaky strong.  I definitely check out his numbers on any heavy days.


CFJAX wants to congratulate Lisa Cordy for being Athlete of the Month!   When we set up to meet with Lisa, who by the way just might be the busiest Mom, Teacher, Athlete, Soccer Game Chauffer, Wife & Dancer, we promised her our meeting would only take an hour!   We had a hard time staying on track because it was so exciting & empowering to hear her goals, successes & her accomplishments but we made it.   Lisa is very deserving of being Athlete of the Month due to her consistency, confidence, passion and  always being positive, encouraging, & committed! 

When did you 1st become part of CFJAX?
The last week of July or 1st week in August

What or Who introduced you to CrossFit?
Tracey Caywood.  She definitely changed my life by introducing me to CFJAX.  I knew her from Dance Trance, and I literally watched her transform after she began training at the Hot Box.  In July, I had a breakdown and was ready for something else.  Dance Trance had catapulted me into fitness and lost about 35 pounds from it, but still wanted something more.  A lot of people seem to live vicariously through their kids & their kids’ events and while that’s important, I wanted to have something of my own.  And I feel I have to set a good example (believe us Lisa, you are!).

What was your 1st  CFJAX wod?
FRAN (poor thing).  I did the foundations class, and this was my 1st official class. 

What’s your favorite wod?
Angie was probably my favorite b/c I had such a huge sense of accomplishment! 

Least favorite wod?
Workouts that have running included, especially 800m’s.  But since running is a weakness, I’ve signed up for the Rugged Maniac 5K with my husband, Scott.  (We also put the Mud Run in her sights too!!)

What’s your favorite Lift?
Deadlifts, (good girl!)  I PR’d at 170, and was really proud.

So, what's it like on days that you know you’re coming to the box…  how do you pick what days you come?
I log on at work to check sometimes. I come twice a week and do DT 2-3 Times a week, so there is no cherry picking for me!  Keeps it varied.  I definitely get more excited when I see things like “Angie” because of the high reps and knowing it will be a challenge.  I know the average person wouldn't even attempt to do this.  When I get there a little early and watch the class in session, I get nervous, like “how can I DO all this?” But I know that I can!

Tell me about your nutrition?
I do Paleo now.  I had a small breakdown at work. I tried Jenny Craig, and other “diets” and although I had success I knew they weren’t a “lifestyle.”  When I started paleo, someone accused me of being on another “fad diet”, and one of my friends had to stand up for me to say “Hey, she’s eating real food!!”.  I know now that real food is important, not the processed, pre-packaged foods.  I’ve lost another 13 pounds from eating Paleo and Scott is even dabbling in it now as well.  He’s very supportive, he lets me cook what I’m eating for him & the family.  If they feel they need something more, they make that after dinner.  Scott even may join CF when he’s done with school!

How has CFJAX changed your life??
I’ve noticed I have more energy, especially when I'm doing Dance Trance.  I used to get tired during of some of the high cardio classes.  Now it’s more excitement in the workouts!  It’s a whole different experience & I have a whole different confidence.  I feel like I get along better with fitness-minded people, and I can talk about this for hours.

So, who do you stalk on the white board or on the CFJAX site?
I don’t really compare, but I like to pace or keep up with Caroline & Amber. I have my own clock to overcome! 


CFJAX wants to congratulate Matt and Amber Rogers for being Athletes of the Month for October 2010! This married couple is a perfect example of how CrossFit can not only change your life and lifestyle, but how it can bring your relationships closer by creating goals and holding each other accountable to those goals.  Their fire for CFJAX is so strong that our brief meeting over coffee turned into an exchange of big dreams, goals we have already met, and goals that are still in front of us, goals that WILL be met! Matt and Amber exemplify everything that CFJAX stands for: positive attitude, integrity, and maintaining the healthiest lifestyle possible.

When did you 1st become part of CFJAX?
-Matt: Sept 1, 2010
-Amber: Sept 29, 2010

What or Who introduced you to CrossFit?
-Matt: I’ve been CrossFitting on and off since 2006, but never at a box.  I had a navy friend who kept trying to pull me into it, but I had the old typical football mindset- “ you need hours in the gym.. 20 min workouts are for _________”.  So finally navy dude talked me into a workout. 
            5 rounds
            400 m run
            135# Thrusters x15
It was a main site wod.  I scaled the weight to 95#, puked in a trashcan, wanted to die, but was HOOKED!
 -Amber: We lived in Beaufort when we met, and Matt was CrossFitting, pulling workouts from the main site.  He introduced me to CF, and I incorporated the idea of “speed” into my own workouts, but I wasn’t doing the Olympic lifting.  We were honestly better at working out when we were apart, (deployments), because when we were together, all we wanted to do was just be around each other!

How did you stumble upon CFJAX? 
-Matt: First thing we did when we got orders was look up Jacksonville CrossFit on CrossFit.com.  Location was perfect, close to the house they were purchasing, close to base.  Also the website was pretty cool.  We scheduled an intro with Meg when we were here for our house hunt, and that was all it took!

So, Matt started 1st, and Amber, you started 2nd.  How did he finally trick you into joining?
Amber- I kind of let it be “Matt’s thing” for a while.  I was intimidated of course, and we’d always done better working out on our own.
-Matt: And I didn’t want to shove it down her throat, but I always thought it would be cool to do together.
-Amber: But I come and watch Fight Gone Bad, and I was IN!  I wanted to compete & be a part of it myself!

What was your 1st  CFJAX WOD?
-Matt: I don’t remember the specifics, but I thought it was going to be dumb because the foundations class was going to be “too easy”.  I was wrong!
-Amber: Tabata Something Else.  My arms were swollen, really sore!

What’s your favorite WOD?
-Matt: FRAN.  (WHAT?!)
-Amber: I don’t’ really have a favorite WOD yet, but I really like metcons.

Least favorite WOD?
-Matt: Murph.  The only time I’ve done it was in Iraq, with a 60 or 70# bulletproof vest on.  Took over an hour. 
-Amber: again, I don’t really have a least favorite, but running is a weakness, so I don’t like any with running. 

What’s your favorite & least favorite Oly Lift?
-Matt: Clean is fave, least fav is Snatch
-Amber: Power Clean is my fave, Snatch is least fave as well. 

So, what does your day look like on days that you know you’re coming to the Box…  How do you feel right before 3-2-1, go?
-Matt: when I used to do CF on my own, I would get butterflies, and always let the other guy go first, kind of delay starting.  Now, I go 1st, I’m early, and super pumped!
-Amber: we go regularly Mon, Wed, and Fri.  I wake up, and immediately look at the site, while Matt’s checking it out on his phone, and we usually get excited together, or look at it and think “Oh Crap!”  It’s more of an excited nervous than before.  I used to love working out in the morning because at the end of the day, it was just time to come home and crash. I’ve never once thought to just go home and skip CrossFit.  I’ve never driven there dreading the workout. 

What is something you are getting out of CFJAX?
-Amber: we’re doing the Fight for Air 5k, 11/20.  Its Matt’s 1st 5k!

So, you guys are the poster children for Paleo.. When did you start?  How is it going?
-Matt: We started October 3, Sunday.  I’ve lost about 18lbs, and am still losing, but still gaining strength.  I definitely feel way better. 
-Amber: I’ve maybe lost like 5lbs, but my clothes are fitting looser, and better, and its awesome.  We’re less bloated and we sleep much better.  The biggest change is we wake up 10 min before the alarm goes off.  Matt was a serial snoozer and would sometimes need 2 alarms.

How has the Hot Box changed your life?
-Matt: We go into our own zones when we are there, but we are fully supportive of each other.
-Amber: It’s brought us closer.  We have common goals and something to share.  We’re both proud of each other and our accomplishments.  CFJAX is a great family.  People have to be open minded to try the different workouts, and it’s awesome to be with like-minded, OPEN minded people!

So, who do you stalk on the white board or on the CFJAX site?
-Matt: Caleb doesn’t know it yet, but we’re in a fierce competition.  I hope every day for bench press so I can post higher scores that him.  That dude crushes it!

-Amber: refuses to give names to protect the innocent